C Integer pair #487569587

property value
status complete
benchmark CookSeeZuleger-TACAS2013-Fig7a_true-termination.c
ran by Akihisa Yamada
cpu timeout 1200 seconds
wallclock timeout 300 seconds
memory limit 137438953472 bytes
execution host n140.star.cs.uiowa.edu
space Stroeder_15
run statistics
property value
solver AProVE
configuration c
runtime (wallclock) 2.80308485031 seconds
cpu usage 8.041825129
max memory 6.84937216E8
stage attributes
key value
output-size 5295
starexec-result YES
loading output popout

output may be truncated. 'popout' for the full output.

loading job log

actions all output return to C Integer